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What is the
Re.Light Festival?

From March 14 to 24, 2024, Regensburg will become a luminous meeting point. In the first edition of RE.LIGHT, around 15 top-class works by international light artists will shine in the streets, alleys and squares of Regensburg’s old town and Stadtamhof. In mid-March, Regensburg becomes the stage, canvas and home of the international light art scene. On a tour through the city, visitors will experience well-known and prominent places in fascinating new light, but also hidden and less present places – and the complexity of the city can be discovered. The idea is to strollthrough the streets and alleys with curiosity and attention and to look at the public space with different eyes.

Statement from head of programm Nika Perne

Find out what Nika Perne (Head of programm) says about the RELIGHT festival



With the exception of two stations, the light artworks can be viewed free of charge in the old town. To visit the light artworks in the Minoritenkirche and the Dreieinigkeitskirche, a combined ticket for 12 euros is available in advance at and during the festival at the information stand in Maximilianstraße 26.




Of course, sustainability in general and energy consumption in particular play a central role inthe planning. Each installation is checked for its power consumption and optimized, e.g. use of state-of-the-art technology for projections as well as video mapping and power-saving LEDs. But other influencing factors are also taken into account: CO2-neutral produced electricity, opening hours or duration of the light artworks etc. In addition, we also want to consider social sustainability. This cultural-touristic festival not only benefits the economy, but also the urban society as well as the urban space as a meeting place for all strata of the population. It is precisely this low-threshold, free access to art and culture in public space that is one of the main goals of the festival, in addition to the economic factors.


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